Browsing All Posts published on »January, 2014«

Interesting Literacy Statistics

January 15, 2014


I’ve been reading through John Taylor Gatto’s Underground History of Education in America which was published in 2000. It has some interesting statistics on literacy rates in the US and other countries: During WWII (1939-1945) the military reported a 96% literacy rate among those applying for service During the Korean War (1950-1953) the military reported […]

Medicating Our Children – Ritalin In Schools

January 14, 2014


The other night, for the first time, I heard a first hand account of a child for whom teachers and doctors (I’m not entirely sure doctors were involved, but other authorities were involved) had suggested drugs (I believe Ritalin) to help him focus in class. I’m really curious to understand when and why it became […]

A Crazy Dance

January 7, 2014


When I was at Diablo Valley School (a Sudbury School) the other day one of the students who was in the room with me started doing a crazy dance. It lasted for a few minutes at least. He was spinning around, jumping up and down, and basically just going crazy. He wasn’t bothering anyone else, […]

High Expectations? Whose? Yours?

January 1, 2014


I was having a debate over the weekend with some friends about the idea of having high expectations for students. It’s an idea I’ve come across frequently in education. In fact it’s the first “pillar” of KIPP’s Five Pillars: HIGH EXPECTATIONS KIPP schools have clearly defined and measurable high expectations for academic achievement and conduct […]